Tuesday 10 July 2012

Restaurant Week(七)@ Le Marron


在 2 月份的 Restaurant Week Hong Kong 光顧了 6 家未吃過的餐廳,用餐經驗有好有唔好,卻從此對這個活動產生極大的興趣。剛在昨天正式開始的 7 月份 Restaurant Week Hong Kong,我們也當然不會錯過,同樣 book 了 6 家餐廳,午餐、晚餐各 3 頓;而第一天,我們來到這家私房西餐廳。

先上樓後按門鈴,被安排入座不久,便聽見一塊布之隔的鄰桌討論這裡是 Le Blanc 的 sister shop 的問題,對灣仔店印象非常麻麻的我,聽後真的臉都藍埋!然而,與它的「普通版」的 7 月份 à la carte menu 比較起來,Restaurant Week 每位 HKD328 起的 3-course set dinner 價錢是親民得多,安慰自己的想,即使是「中伏」,也不會「中」得太肉赤吧?

Appetizer、main course 及 dessert 全是二選一,我們兩條友剛好能試勻所有食物。Crispy Escargot Cake with Mandarin Sauce 其實就是「田螺」版本的 crab cake,外層不大 crispy(始終是「煎」不是「炸」嘛),內裡質感鬆軟的,可惜 on one hand 田螺不少,on the other hand 粉卻略多,吃著吃著也不是沒有出現「一口粉」的情況。Mandarin sauce 是指柑桔醬汁吧,味道卻竟像甜版的超市質素 cheddar cheese sauce 多一點,不難吃,卻令人摸不著頭腦。

Baked Crab Meat Filo Parcel & Seared Ahi Tuna with Mustard Melon Salsa and Sour Cherry Tomato,「酥皮包裹」做得既薄且鬆脆,內裡的蟹肉頗鮮美,份量甚多,好吃!Seared tuna("ahi",也就是 "yellowfin",對吧?)吃起來初則沒有味道(還好也沒有腥味),繼而滲出微微黑胡椒的味道,質地也實實的,不喜歡。底部的 mustard melon salsa 吃起來少酸大甜,味道有點像 plum chutney,質感卻甚 "meaty",又是令人摸不著頭腦,不過也幾好吃;至於旁邊已去皮的 sour cherry tomato,果然如其名的 sour,非常開胃。

吃過不錯的 appetizer,店方隨即奉上「一口」份量的 lemon sorbet(吃起來酸香幼滑,但唉吖,忘了拍照添!)作「漱口」之用,經我們 query 過後,店方才驚覺還沒 serve 麵包,然後「嗱嗱臨」為我們補回… 嗯,頗冒失喎姍姍來遲的麵包是來貨,還好上檯時是熱辣鬆脆的,塗點 salted 牛油,沒有難吃的道理吧。

Main Course 選了 Grilled Lobster Tail & Angus Beef Asparagus Roll前者看起來卻非常乾旱瘦削,還好吃起來算是厚肉,質地也甚爽口,只是 seasoning 出手也太狠了吧,蒜、鹽的味道太濃太鹹,愈吃就是愈鹹。後者的薄牛肉賣相「岩岩巉巉」,質地卻甚軟熟,肉味、油香豐潤,配以爽脆清香而不太乾的 asparagus 同吃,不錯。配菜方面以墊底的 carrot purée 較好吃,做得輕柔幼滑,吃起來也非常甜美;roasted potatoes 則又是 overseasoned,吃起來太鹹,薯皮也韌韌的,不喜歡。

店方沒有問我們的 Wellington Lamb Chop with Thyme Jus 要多熟,由店方操刀後,成品是生了一點,中間看起來近乎 rare,而非我們喜歡的 medium rare 啊。還好,我試了的一部分羊肉也算是軟熟,羊味香濃;外層酥皮則屬「得啖笑」之作,吃起來有點韌喎。

Dessert 也繼續是 one each 分吃。Chocolate Terrie with Kahlua Sabayon 以香檳杯盛載,試了一點點含有脆餅及朱古力醬的部分,後者是不太甜的 dark chocolate 味,幾喜歡。

Baked Pear Tart 則原來不是熱食的,吃起來冷冰冰,亦因如此,曲奇皮吃起來也好像特別硬脆而不夠鬆化;還好,梨子的份量是 ok 的,味道也天然香甜,還有旁邊的 pear purée「補貼」一下味道,加加埋埋,算是及格吧。

食物一般,環境可以,服務卻是非常混亂 — 先是漏掉我們的 bread basket,後來又把幾張檯以外的鴨肉醬錯誤 serve 了給我們,但不消一分鐘又有店員衝埋來把它拿走,想點呢?我明白「私房菜」形式的餐廳不會像大集團經營的食店般 systematic,但也不是混亂到咁的吧?有待改進耶。

整體而言比 Le Blanc 好一點,連一支 Fiji water (HKD45) 埋單每人 HKD390 有找,卻仍是偏貴,也沒有興趣再來吃它的「正常」餐牌了。

Le Marron
銅鑼灣怡和街 2-6 號英光大廈 12 樓

1 comment:

  1. Well...

    I never understood Le Blanc and this place. Food was not exceptional, environment frankly quite uncomfortable despite its trying-hard-to-be-classy decor and the staff were in general untrained. Doesn't match the price for me...

    To be a bit more specific, the place was noisy as hell given the excessive use of glass and nothing absorptive. The thin curtain partitioning the tables did not work for me as I could hear complete conversations of those sitting the adjoining table. The chit-chat and shouting of the staff certainly didn't help.

    For the food, the bread was hot but the squeezed butter was quite bland. Fine by me if it's complimentary but if charged as it is on the normal dinner menu? No way.

    The lamb was raw. The part shown in the photo was rare but a bit closer to the bone it was raw. To the other side it was medium-welldone. Very unevenly cooked like the one we had at Edo & Bibo.
